17 d’abr. 2009

La premsa celebra l'execució sumaríssima dels pirates

El WSWS publica un article interessant sobre el rescat del capità Richard Phillips.

Resulta que els tres pirates sanguinaris que van ser assassinats per les forces especials de la marina ianqui, eren uns adolescents inexperts que havien acceptat negociar i estaven sent remolcats pel destructor americà des d'on van disparar els franctiradors. El quart "pirata", de 16 anys, ja s'havia entregat i estava sent atès de les ferides que s'havia fet durant l'abordatge al Maersk Alabama.

Every police department is trained to deal with such events. Manuals for how they should be handled universally stress that the objective is to resolve the incident peacefully, protect the lives of the hostages and the police, and, if possible, avoid the application of lethal force.

In this instance, the hostage-taking was transformed into a media-orchestrated drama and a high-stakes political test of President Barack Obama’s willingness to use armed force. The killing of the pirates became a political objective in its own right.

In the aftermath of the killings, the media exploited the American public’s understandable relief over Captain Phillips’ survival and turned it into a bloodthirsty celebration of executions by sniper fire. Totally lost in the media’s perverse satisfaction that the pirates—three Somali teenagers—were killed has been any questioning of whether the shootings were justified or, even within the framework of US foreign policy, advisable.