15 de set. 2009

Radicals sabotegen la crònica de Telemadrid

La corresponsal de Telemadrid es disposava a fer la crònica del referèndum d'autodeterminació d'Arenys de Munt, però a l'últim moment la presència de radicals l'ha fet desistir de les seves intencions.

2 comentaris:

Rab ha dit...

Ahh, our local revisionist nutter must have very high blood pressure with Catalan people being allowed to express their view on their own Constitutional future...Keep taking your medicine my man.

Telemadrid has been boycotting social cohesion and tolerance for years with their twisted, manipulative and disgraceful reporting, but that does not seem to bother our ultra-Spanophile in residence.
Or the presence of Falange, the fascist party. What's up TerrorBoy, getting agitated with recent developments?
Anything to say about this, TerrorBoy?


"el Primo" ha dit...

i think the question would rather be... is there something I haven't missed?