11 de febr. 2009

El Papa de Roma fa apologia de la família

El Papa de Roma, Benedictus XVI, fa apologia de la família. Ho podem comprovar en aquest discurs d'obertura de l'assemblea eclesial de la diòcesis de Roma, pronunciat el juny del 2005. En el discurs (especialment soporífer) el Papa afirma que la "família de Nazaret" ha de ser el model de vida dels catòlics:
"Así pues, la Familia de Nazaret ha de ser para nuestras familias y para nuestras comunidades objeto de oración constante y confiada, además de modelo de vida."
D'entrada, hom es pregunta si, des d'un punt de vista purament higiènic, és gaire recomanable tenir un model de vida tal que et porta a parir un nen en un estable, una instal·lació que no reuneix cap mena de garantia sanitària, sense assistència tècnica de cap tipus. Deixant de banda els aspectes més pràctics, la qüestió és quina mena de "referent moral" és la dita "família de Nazaret". Terry Eagleton, l'eminent crític literari, respon aquesta qüestió en un article al New Statesman.
The New Testament is also largely silent about the family, though what little it has to say is unremittingly hostile. With commendable impudence, the boy Jesus refuses to apologise to his distraught parents for wandering off. He insists instead that what he calls his Father's business takes priority over domestic loyalties.


Jesus makes a point of his homelessness. He has no respectable suburb to which he can retire after a hard day's healing, and has harsh words for an intending follower who wants to say goodbye to his family before joining up. He tells his followers brutally that the choice is between their parents (whom they must "hate") and himself.


When a woman in the crowd loudly blesses the womb that bore him, he spurns this pious compliment, observing in his customarily acidic way that the blessed are, rather, those who keep God's word. When his mother and brothers ask to see him, he tells them abruptly to wait, commenting that his true mother and brothers are those who do God's will. In short, he goes out of his way to put the skids under the whole ideology of family values.
El Jesús de Nazaret és essencialment un fanàtic anti-família, i no pas el tontaina que l'Església ens ha estat fent creure que era.