19 d’oct. 2009

Gibraltar viola els drets lingüístics dels castellanoparlants

El govern de Gibraltar ho reconeix obertament a la seva pàgina web:
Primary Education is free, full-time and compulsory for residents between the ages of 4+/7+ (Years R to 3) and in Middle Schools for the 8+/12 age-range (Years 4 to 7). All these schools are co-educational and English is the language of instruction.
Des d'aquest blog, faig una crida a tots els militants i simpatitzants d'UPyD perquè s'immolin en massa davant l'ambaixada britànica en senyal de protesta.

2 comentaris:

The Singing Organ-Grinder ha dit...

Is the majority of Gibraltar Spanish-speaking? Have they ever asked for Spanish-medium instruction? Is Spanish an official language? So, rather different from Cataloonia, n'est-ce pas?

"el Primo" ha dit...

What? Haven't you self-immolated yet?